This address will be a little longer than expected because it is fuddled with every key and guide of the tool to commence with and can be picked by anyone and get a firsthand expectation of the would-be members of our movement.Read patiently and intently to the end to understand the content of our intent.


Fellow great Nigerians and distinguished foreign allies,I greet you all!
It is my hope and wish that you stay safe of this ravaging Corona Virus Disease(COVID-19)pandemic and live protected by the Almighty to see through all its attending pains and agony to see into a fresher,healthier and happier life beckoning tomorrow.I'll see you when you get there!
I want to believe all the 6 geopolitical zones as well as 36 states and capitals are here in representation which simply implies I'm addressing the entire Nigerians .
We are all here for a political movement,"NEO-POLITICAL RENAISSANCE" and Iam E.A.GRAHAMS the National Convener and I can't remember having any other religious,tribal or political identity but a Nigerian and would have you see me as such and see others equally as such while this convergence for national rebuilding and reforms lasted.I enjoin you to believe with me that in no time not too far from here,the giant wall of Berlin of division tearing us apart on the intersects of religion,tribal,the haves and have nots,the educated and the yet to be educated,the dark-skinned and the light skinned,the adults and the youths and youngs,the men and the women and a host of others would be pulled down and all we would have is one people of a sovereign nation bound in one united cord where justice and equity garnished with attitude breeds peace that will eventually amount to an unrivalled progress.
    We are here on a national assignment! Mandated or not mandated,the content will with time be made manifest to you either through my humble self,the ace vision bearer and the recipient of the mandate or those I have being deliberating with to know how best to spread this cake to reach all Nigerians as well as those we are going to name today and continue calling on board to join in the steering of this ship of national goodies forward.
  Our nation,unlike the legendary Chinua Achebe would have it is about to fall apart.Yes! Not yet fallen and that is why we are here to help hold the central beam from falling apart.I have asked earlier in our discourse here and you told me that our problem stems from ATTITUDE which gives us away to CORRUPTION that shuts our eyes and minds from providing JOBS without ETHNORELIGIOUS BIAS which incidentally leaves us with myriads of hydra-projected tentacles of POVERTY and LACK,HUNGER,INSECURITY,CRISES,THEFT,KIDNAPPING,RITUAL KILLINGS,ASSASSINATION and a host of others.
    It then follows that our problem is that of ATTITUDE of those we elected to LEAD.If we can hit it one,we can hit them all.The hitting tool and the hitting approach are what we come here to pick and to master.In the picking and mastery of it,we are not to tag anyone here or outside here with an insignia of a devil.At the same time,we are not here to spew anyone out because he once spilled our oil.If you feel you have it right,you are needed to influence those that we don't say are wrong but are struggling to come to your level.If you are still at the struggling level,we crave your indulgence to pay attention to those a little better than you to learn what makes them better and grow to him or beyond him.See no one here as bad or worst! Those are not the descriptives in our dictionary of members.Rather see him as a growing colleague and help him grow.Those being helped should always proffer their hands because help gets better when the helpees are open to receive the help and the helpers are called to act.
Two major keys of operation here are LEARNING(via training) and LISTENING(cooperation).
  We also stand on the ground that it is time for the YOUTHS and the NOT-YET- LEDS to be groomed and prepared to  GET UP AND GO.
  We hate violence with every rib-piece of its descriptives and we uphold experience,conscience,patience  and relevance to take us to excellence.
  I and my team are working tirelessly to get and appoint the principal leaders that would man our 6 geopolitical zones as well as the 36 states and the FCT to formally kick-start the motion and tonight,I will be naming your national president and others will be named much later.
 I have an assignment by mandate to convene and build the original structure and hand over to someone to preside according to the dictates of our constitution while I continue to retain the post of the Founder/National Convener(FNC) to oversee and advise and consulted where the vision appears unclear or when there seems to be a veer from the expectations.All legal materials and pointers to our progress are intact with us..I will also continue henceforth with the appointments and with the assistance of the National Pressy who I also have earlier asked to join me in search of people to fill the posts.
  In this our assignments,I want us to understand one thing.We are all humans and are vulnerable to err.If I err,if we err,see it as a natural act and seek for a polite way to bring us back to track without tearing down the house.I also want you to understand that there is a difference between error and terror.An error is a commission unintended and a terror is a commission non- grata malintendedly and deliberately dished out.A man who deliberately sets his car ablaze and claims that the money you gave him to deposit in the bank got burnt in it is a terror and cannot be exonerated with a certificate of error.When we see such here,we know that we have seen what will take us aback to where we were before we ran to where we are.That should in all semblance tell us that house tearing has begun.
  Let us all flash always a card of integrity,accommodating spirit,honesty,maturity and equity eschewing all similitude of attitudes that arrogate,avoiding fraud here and out of here and dissolving tribalism to the negligible of all negligibility.

  And now distinguished ladies and gentlemen of common RENAISSANCITES identity to give birth anew.
Here is to you ,your pioneer NATIONAL PRESIDENT by our approval.He is ours and has being loyal and will continue to be and above all patriotic to the entire Nigerians.We have being on this assignment together and will continue to selflessly be on it to the best interest of Nigerians and Africans on a larger spectrum.
HE IS BY NAME AARE BABAJIDE OLUSHOLA BABATOLA.You may call him THE JAGABAN for that is what he is and derives interest in being addressed with.
 I will continue to lead from point A as the overseer while he leads from point B as the operational fieldman even after my original structuring which is still ongoing .
 Our official colours are green and yellow which means alive in passion.Our logo of black hand from green white green background signifies black people of Nigerian origin pointing the way forward to light.You may now begin to use them in your publicity designs and other awareness purposes and always feel free to send some of your designs here to spread.
 The tune of the anthem given yesterday will be made public by my SA on culture,tourism and entertainment tomorrow.
 Let me here in summary thank my esteemed national president and urge you to wait shortly after my address for his acceptance speech and words of admonition.
  I thank my kitchen cabinets who have being working tirelessly with me before this vision got to this stage.Hon.Lady Idam Wisdom Obila has being my SA,political strategics,planning and socials for years.My personal secretary Nalu Caris Success.My SA information and logistics Hon.Rtn Chibueze Adirika.My SA ,culture,tourism & entertainment miss Whitney Winston.My DG.foreign monitoring,Mercy Nyapoya from Kenya.My DG women initiatives and expertise,Apostle Faithvins Oganihu.Mrs Mercee Glogowski from Germany.Our foreign ally Zac Muncy from the United States and others .
I won't forget here the advice from my  fathers in the persons of Bishop Jerry Ezeh,Chief Edwin Ekwunor,Chief Jerry Ugwu, Bishop Godly Opukeme and many others I can't say here for want of space.
 The journey to Nigerian greatness has just begun ! You are the indispensable blocks needed to stitch together to form the building.

We are the RENAISSANCITES,we point the way forward for others to follow to see the light.
I remain yours in service
I speak English,French,German,Spanish,Italian,a little Yoruba,a little Hausa, and some Igbo.Iam a Nigerian and a believer of positivity not from your tribe not from your religion but from one to all and for all the world.
You may reach me on +2348039325705 and
  God bless y'all and our struggle.
