Dass Bye-election Results: a metaphor of Bauchi Political Watershed

                       Dr. Bukata Bukar

When I shared a view on the eve of the Dass bye-election into the state House of Assembly, submitting that the result could be too closed to call and that it is going to be a test of supremacy between the two major parties of APC and PDP against 2023 in Bauchi state, not a few agreed to my submission. This submission was practically based on the visible body languages and interests of the political gladiators in the two major parties of PDP and APC in the state, particularly the Governor in PDP and the former Speaker of the House of Representatives in APC who have recently exhibited no love lost between them in their political activities.

Not so surprising, the results were declared and APC had the victory with a slight margin of a little above a thousand votes, attesting to the too-closed to call I had predicted a day before the elections. This reflects the fact that the election was a keen contest between the two major political parties of PDP and APC.

What political lessons have been learnt from the bye-election?

1. The bye-election came few weeks after the LG elections (Recall I had described it as selections) held in the state last October in which PDP won in all the 20 LGA of the state. If this was the case on ground, what then informed the sudden change that led to APC victory in so short a period? Arguably, the bye-election result may have given credence to my long term held views that LG elections in Nigeria are mere smokescreen or political deception (someone recently described it as organized fraud). That is my personal view.

2. In politics and perhaps other endeavours, never under rate the seeming underdogs all the times. Judging from comments before the elections, most political pundits of PDP extraction had believed in the power of incumbency such that they forgot earlier signs and symptoms on the ground especially in Dass. Recall that when the former Speaker left PDP for APC, a Commissioner from Dass resigned his appointment as Cabinet member to join him. This was one of the most courageous and loyal act anyone can demonstrate to a benefactor. If nothing, this act could have won the sympathy and admiration of many, especially in Dass. In addition, voting APC translates to expression of sympathy to the party given the circumstances that surrounded the death of the late member.

3. Dass is one of the 3 LGAs that formed the federal constituency which the former Speaker has been its representative since 2007. By all standards, the former Speaker had always performed far above average in terms of giving democratic devidends and execution of constituency projects. As a matter of fact, some pundits had allegedly accused him of concentrating projects in Dass more than his own LG of Bogoro, which in my view are mere allegations or political statements. Therefore, to win the hearts of the electorates, one must perform.

4. Believe it or not, in my view, the results of the Dass bye-election would re-define the political terrain in Bauchi state and perhaps serves as a watershed towards 2023, given the fact that the political image of the state is PDP but the ingredients therein are more of the opposition with the House of Assembly dominated and controlled by APC. As a matter of practical facts, the APC in Bauchi state appears more formidable when one considers the federal appointments given to indigenes of the state, except for the seemingly minor lack of cohesion among them.

5. If the PDP as the ruling party must maintain the hope for 2023 in the state, I advise it re-strategise by way of an early re-jigging its systems such that it's members serving as government officials must work more and talk or boast less. They must be open to constructive criticisms rather than engaging in attacks on critics from within and outside the party. In this respect, the period between 2015 and 2019 should serve as a lesson.

6. In a free, fair and credible election, everyone appears happy and satisfied because there would be "no victor, no vanquished"

Finally, I extend my congratulations to the winner and the APC family in Dass LGA. In addition, I congratulate the former Speaker and his entire team members. 

In all, be magnanimous and humble in victory as victory and power belong to God and He gives them to whoever He wishes.
