His Excellency

The Executive Governor of Bauchi State,

Senator Bala MohammedAbdulkadir (Kauran Bauchi)

Her Excellency

The Wife of His Excellency, the Executive Governor of Bauchi State,

Hajiya Lami Bala Mohammed Abdulkadir,

(Kauran Bauchi), who is the Chair Lady of this occasion;

The Chief Host of the occasion,

The Executive Chairman, Bogoro Local Goven'tArea, Bauchi State,

Honourable liya Habila;

Distinguish Chairman of the Occasion,

Honourable Dr. Ladan Salisu,

Chief of Staff, Bauchi State Government House;

His Royal Highness,

The Emir of Bauchi, Alhaji (Dr).Rilwanu SuleimanAdamu;

His Royal Highness,

The Emir of Dass, Alhaji (Dr).Othman Bilyaminu Othman;

The Chief Guest of Honour,

Professor Suleiman Elias Bogoro, (endam of Sayawa Land),

Executive Secretary,TEdFundAbuja, Nigeria.

The Guest Speaker,

Da Reverend Professor Y. P. Mancha,

Head of Department Animal Production,

AbubakarTafawa Balewa University, Bauchi;

Distinguish Members of National House of Representatives here present;

Honourable Members of State House ofAssemblies;

Honourable Commissioners here present;

Security Personnel;

Gentle Men of the Press;

All Invited Guests;

Distinguish Ladies and Gentlemen;

1. On behalf of the people of Boi welcome you to this great occasion of Vih-Mah-Yah, 2021.We are most grateful to God for keeping us alive to witness this day which we scheduled to celebrate our Annual Cultural Festival for this year 2021. 


lt is expected that every Community must have enough human resources who will mind its day to day affairs.They are sometimes referred to as MANPOWER. This occasion of Vih-Mah-Yah is a unique initiative in the reform process that focused on stabilizing the community economy aevelopment, peace, unity and social interaction among members and neighbours.

Ladies and gentlemen, we were not able to conduct this occasion last year due to the sudden emergence of the deadly disease called CORONA VIRUS or CoVID-19 pandemic. It adversely affected the whole world negatively in which many things went wrong and even now it still reigns. Therefore,I stand here to advise each and every one of us to be conscious of it and do all we can to obey the rules and regulations of the pandemic.

Distinguish Guests, without waste of time, let me use this opportunity to congratulate the people of Bauchi State for having a dynamic Governor, His Excellency Abdulkadir (Kauran Bauchi) as the Executive Governor of Bauch State. He is approximately two years in office but has performed positively excellent. I remember in one of his media release, His Excellency Senator Bala Mohammed Abdulkadir (Kauran Bauchi) said that, IN SHA ALLAH,WE ARE GOING TO MÀKE BAUCHI A LITTLE ABUJA. I want to assure my Guests that by the GRACE OE GOD, he will achieve this ambition and Bauchi State will really bear its slogan among other States as the PEARL OF TOURISM. We have started seeing it physically. An example is the BOI-TAPSHIN Road which is on fast construction. Definitely you are a man of your words. Sir, we will surely rally round you to see that you achieve your ambitions.I also want to commend the cooperation of the members and the Leadership of Bauchi State House of Assembly towards these projects that you are executing and your Dear Wife who is solidly behind you in all your endevours. We are also appreciating the effort of our Daughter, Sister and wife Honourable Mrs. Hassana Arkila (Gimbiyan Lwong), Executive Chairman, BASOVCA Bauchi State for working day and night tirelessly between you and the people. 

Ladies and Gentlemen, I Amos G. John who is standing before you today as the President of this great Association will be completing my second tenure in the office of the President come May, 2021. By the Constitution of the Association, I cannot contest for any office in the carbonate again until after some tenures have gone. Therefore, permit me to intimate his Excellency and my Guests with few among many things achieved during my first and second tenures:

1. Completion of work on BPA Hall,

2. Construction offence round the hall premises,

3. Construction of shops (6 in number) on the premises, 

4. Purchase of additional land for BPA attached to the existing premises

5. Construction of public and official toilets attached to the BPA hall (6 in number),

6. Purchase and fixing of gates at the hall,

7. Provision of accommodation to Civil Defense of Nigeria and Magistrate Court ll in the BPA hall,

8. Repair of the Nigeria Police Outpost Office Boi,

9. Full participation in peace and conflict resolution in the community,

10. Active participation in community meetings and activities,

11. Successful conduction of our National Annual Festival (Vih-Mah- Yah),

12. Constant renewal of the Association's registration with Ministry of Youth and Sports,

13. Acquired two additional motor cycles for the Association from individuals.

14. Constructed Two (2) sets of cushion chairs, two (2) office tables and four (4) chairs,

15. Purchase a set of electrical generator and a public addressing system,

16. Complete electrification of the BPA hall, and many other thing and activities. 

My fellow people of Boi, Distinguish Ladies and Gentlemen, having mentioned all the above to His Excellency, I want to use the same opportunity to list some of our community pressing issues which he might not been aware of them.

1. Reconstruction of Boi Market Square:

The Boi market among other markets in the Local Governmet is the biggest and most populated during its market days.Traders from far places come to trade during rainy and dry seasons of the year. It serves as the major source of revenue collection for the Local Government. The disheartening thing is that it has been left dilapidated. During raining times, traders' surfer loss of their goods.The shades and shops need complete renovation or reconstruction to save traders from transporting their goods to and fro on market days. It will attract more revenue if out in better condition.

2. Extension of Electricity to all the surrounding villages of Bol.

Electrical gadgets are everywhere today even in the remotest areas. Most of these gadgets need electrical charging to ensure their operation. Thus, youth from the villages move to the town every evening with the name of charging their gadgets, by that they tend to go back home late night in which many of them have fallen into social menace there by polluting the image of the community and creating peaceful disorder. If light is extended to the villages, it will reduce the rate of flow in of the youth and make them develop their own areas instead of depending on the main town.

3. Provision of an Ambulance Van to Health Primary Centre (PHC) Boi.

The function of an ambulance cannot be over emphasized in this peace of speech. What I want to put forward here is that the PHC Boi is in a strategic place where many communities will benefit the function of the facility if provided.Your Excellency Sir we need it

4. Construction of feeder roads to link some of the surrounding villages of Boi.

Some of these surrounding areas include Ungwan Doli to Janyar via Ungwan Nyismi; Bakin Kasuwan Boi to Kijim:Jolong to Dashem Yelwan Boi. Some of this areas cannot drive their vehicles home during raining season and the areas are rich in agriculture and agricultural produce. If feeder roads are made, commercial activities will improve there by raising revenue collection for the Local Government and the State in general.

5. Complete Renovation of Government Day Secondary School Boi.

Government Day Secondary School Boi is one of the biggest public schools within the Local Government Area with a total population of two thousand, five hundred (2500) students having only eight (8) usable classroonms. Other classrooms are PTA made needing major repairs and reconstructions, while other blocks are used for administrative purposes.

Moreover, all of them need repairs. I feel if they are put in order it will decongest students population per class there by enhancing teaching learning.

6. Construction of Primary Health Centers in some areas to support the existing one.

The areas needing the Primary Health Facilities include Janyar, Ndukum, Vung and Richark. Some of the above mentioned areas are about four to five kilometers away from the existing PHC while some are densely populated but without PHC. Proximity to health facility of a community is a factor of consideration today.

7. Construction of Public toilets in Boi Town.

To enhance fight against open defecation, public toilets are very necessary in were people gather. The few public toilets in the main town are not enough for the population of the people living in talk less of during market days and occasions.To sustain the Open Defecation Free (ODF) program in the area, more public toilets are needed.

8. Provision of more portable drinking water in surrounding villages of Boi.

To promote sanitation and hygiene in Boi and its surrounding villages, more bore holes are needed, especially to the villages that use streams and water ponds as source of water for both drinking, washing, animals and other domestic use. Some of the areas include Ndukum, Taran, Kijim, Richark, Janyar, Dashem Yelwan Boi, Doli, Pada, Vung and Jolong.

9. Creation of more PoliticalWards and Polling Units to complement the few existing ones in Boi.

The following Polling Units in Boi 'B'Ward need to be spitted into two or more units for easy casting of votes and proximity.

The Units are, Janyar Unit, Ungwan Sarkin Dutse Unit, Kijim Unit, and Vung Unit. Boi 'B'Ward should also be divided into three or four Wards for easy collation of results.

10. Creation of Boi Chiefdom.

The Boi Community through Boi Forum of Elders have written many Letters and articles concerning this issue and their reasons clearly stated. Your Excellency Sir, Boi community remains resolute on its decision as this will be one of the means for peaceful coexistence of the people in the community.

11. Establishment of a Bank in Boi.

The importance of Boi in general, its geographical location, commercial activities and the peace loving lifestyle tells us that a Bank can successfully be fitted in it. This cannot be over emphasized in this peace of speech. Therefore, BPA and associates are calling on any individual bank or financial institution that is interested in establishing such relationship with Boi community should do so without delay. We in Boi are ever ready to give every necessary assistance needed by such institution. This will enhance commercial activities, earn more revenue to authorities and reduce idleness among youth.

12. Establishment of any Higher Institution in Boi.

The descriptions already made above about Boi clearly shows that, Boi is a potential area with zeal and proper focus on its development. However, there is no meaningful development that will take place without educating the members of the community. Especialy higher education because, it has been said by many people that, half education is dangerous.' We don't want to fall pray of that saying. Our cry for a higher institution goes to the Government, Parastatals and individuals to come and invest in Boi and you will never regret it. HUMAN RESOUCE DEVELOPMENT IN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT INVOLVES EDUCATING THE CITIZENS.

13.Provision of fertilizer durig rainy season;

Distribution of government fertilizers to farmers during raining season do not always reach the peasant farmers in the villages. lt always come to them through the peasant marketers whose prizes have gone higher than that of the government approved. May I request Sir, that the government should build farm houses in all the Village Areas for storage purposes and send directly supplies to same for sale to farmers.

14. Building and improving the standard of Development offices to take up their functions

Since the establishment of Development Office in Boi, no effort has been made to allocate it to any office. It is BPA that has provided accommodation for it. Sir, I am calling upon the authority to please make a provision for them to move in and allow BPA to have access the office.

15. Acquired some skill acquisicion equipment (sewing Machines, barbing equipment, Taliya making Machines and saloon Machines etc.)

In conclusion, my distinguish guests, ladies and gentdemen, thank you for listening. May God take each and every one of you back to his or her destination safely.


Prince Bawa for the president.
